Analysis of low employability (appx 20%) of engineering graduates in India.

➲ Study conducted by TOI, HT & Business Insider revealed very shocking fact that employability of engineering graduates in India based upon their current skills is as low as 20%.

➲ It means that only 20 out of every 100 students based upon their current skills and ability to apply their engineering knowledge, are fit to get engineering jobs.

➲ The famous industrialist Anand Mahindra is very vocal about this sad state of skill level of engineers in India and it’s indeed a cause of worry.

➲ This is not only worrisome for engineers at entry level but also for industries because it is resulting into shortage of the right talent in Indian job market.


⏩ Article in Business Insider:




➲ The purpose of this blog is to analyse the reasons behind mere 30% employability rate of engineering graduates in India based upon their current skills and how to overcome such a bad situation.

So, Why are we in such a pathetic condition?

➲ What could be the solutions concerning Design & Development?


According to industry experts who analyzed the results, following top reasons emerged behind low employability:

➲ Advanced tools, technologies, methodologies & processes have evolved rapidly as a result of rapid globalisation but educational system has not yet adapted & coped up with these changes.

➲ Industries are looking for engineers with the abilities to apply the knowledge & processes to deliver projects, ability to innovate & thought leadership. But, educational systems mostly grade engineers based upon exam which is driven by memorizing answers rather than solving real life problems.

➲ Most of the professors in engineering colleges have great educational acumen but no industry exposure.

➲ Labs in engineering colleges are not up to mark in order to conduct experimental research & solve real industry problems.

➲ Engineering colleges mostly focus on delivering pre-defined syllabus rather than promoting innovation & problem-solving approach.

➲ Lack of awareness among students about career options.

➲ Industries need engineers with great leadership & soft skills whereas engineering colleges & students hardly work on it.

➲ Syllabus of engineering colleges doesn’t include most needed knowledge such as design & manufacturing domains, design processes, GD&T, Design for Variation, DFMEA, Six Sigma processes, value engineering & innovation etc.

➲ Students are more often forced to become” Jack of all trades and expert of none”.


➲ Engineers at entry level struggle to get a job due to lack of right knowledge & lack of career opportunities awareness.

➲ DesignGekz™ is working extensively to address these concerns. We have collaborated with industry experts to design courses which will help our students to be job ready.

➲ DesignGekz™ also prepares our students with interview preparation and assist them to get job after completion of the course.


Why choose DesignGekz™

➲ Our syllabus includes the most popular design domains, tools, methodologies which are globally used in design industries.

➲ We are leading domain-based training institute in Pune and we teach most in demand domains such as plastic, sheet metal, mould design, stamping tool design, machine design and many more.

➲ We provide 100% job placement assistance to our students.

➲ Our syllabus is well recognised by the design industries.

➲ We offer Practical & project-oriented training.

➲ Our focus is on practical applications of design knowledge & skills.

➲ Well recognised & highly qualified mentors I design industries.

➲ Our emphasis on soft skills, Leadership skills & interview skills prepares you to perform in job.

➲ Besides domains, we also teach core design skills such as GD&T, Design for variation, New product design & development process, APQP & PPAP, VAVE, DFM & DFA, Design for X and many more.


DesignGekz™ focuses on enabling our students to deliver functionally working design and make them job ready.

How to select best course for you?

➲ Understand the job requirements of your dream job

➲ Compare it with course curriculum of the course

➲ Do research about reputation of the mentors


Read my other blogs to understand roles and responsibilities of CAD Engineer, Mechanical Design Engineer & Product Designer.

Read blog:


⏩ For career planning or enquiring about the courses, write to us at or call us @ +91-8329029492 | 9881521371


Learn most in demand mechanical design skills like Plastic | Sheetmetal domains, NPD | NPI Process, DFMEA, GD&T (Basic & Pro), PPAP, Tolerance Stackup Analysis, Value Engineering and more with our Signature mentorship Program – Master Diploma in Plastic & Sheetmetal Design Professional (PSDP):

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Mechanical Design Corporate Training of Designgekz


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GD&T for Mechanical Design Engineers (Basic & Pro)

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Tolerance Stack up Analysis (WC | RSS | MRSS @GD&T)

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